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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement and User Registration​

This privacy policy was last updated on November 16, 2023.

Welcome to The Wallace Foundation website (the “Site”) provided by the Wallace Foundation (“the Foundation” or “we” or “our” or “us”). This privacy policy describes the types of personal information we collect from our Site or that you provide to us through other means, how we may use that information, to whom and under what circumstances we may disclose it, and how we protect it.  By using this Site or voluntarily providing personal information to us, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree to the policy, please do not use the Site.

1.  Collection of Personal Information from Site Users 

Information You Give to Us

We may collect some information, such as your first and last name, email address, phone number, address, and professional affiliation that you provide when you interact with us.  Some examples are when you:

  • Register with us; 
  • Correspond or communicate with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise; or
  • Use our Site to interact with us.

Information Collected Automatically

Each time you visit the Site, we may automatically collect certain types of information. Some examples of automatic information we may collect are as follows:

  • Your IP address, MAC address, browser type, operating system, device-identifying information, type of computer, and type of Web browser software, the specific webpages visited during your connection, and the domain name from which you accessed the Site. 
  • Information about your browsing behavior, such as the date and time you visit the Site, the areas or pages of the Site that you visit, the amount of time you spend viewing the Site, the number of times you return to the Site and other clickstream data.
  • We may use “cookies” of different types to recognize your computer.  A cookie is a small text file that a website, online application, or e-mail may save to your internet browser and/or your computer’s hard drive for use in subsequent visits to the Site or other sites.

We may use web beacons, match scripts, pixel tags or similar technologies that allow us to know if a particular web page was visited, an e-mail opened, or links in the email utilized. In some instances, these technologies may allow us to match activities with particular users.

We may combine the information we collect through cookies, web beacons, or other technology tools with other information we have collected from you or information from other sources. 

2.  Use of Personal Data Collected

We may use information about you for purposes described in this Privacy Policy or disclosed to you on the Site.  For example, we may use information about you: 

  • To provide information of interest to registered users; 
  • To provide updates about major changes to the website or to the Privacy Policy; 
  • For marketing and promotional purposes;
  • To develop new programs and services;
  • For content improvement and research;
  • To Respond to your inquiries; or 
  • To take other actions in response to your inquiries or other website activities.
3.  Sharing or Disclosure of Your Personal Data

The Foundation is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. The Foundation will not sell or share user registration information with any third party without the user's consent except as follows: 

  • We work with business partners who support us. We also use outside service providers to facilitate the Site and overall operation, and to perform functions on our behalf, such as monitoring visitors to our Site, sending emails and promotional offers, analyzing data, storing data, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service.  These third-party service providers are prohibited from using personal information for any other purpose and are contractually required to comply with all applicable laws and requirements.
  • To the extent necessary to comply with applicable laws or valid legal processes, such as in response to subpoenas or court orders.
  • To protect the rights and intellectual property of the Wallace Foundation.
  • To investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, violations of our policies, or as otherwise required by law.
  • In urgent circumstances to protect the Wallace Foundation or the personal safety of any individual. 
  • No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.
4.  Cookies and Other Aggregate Information

When you visit the website, a "cookie" will be sent to your computer. A cookie is a piece of data that identifies you as a unique user. The cookies are used to connect your computer with information stored about your online activity, searches and preferences both within the same website visit and from one visit to the next on the Site and/or other websites.  Some examples of this data include your account preferences, user specific information on pages accessed, searched terms or addresses entered, and previous visits to the sites.  The Foundation uses cookies on this website to improve its quality and usefulness. The Foundation does this by storing user preferences in cookies and by tracking broad trends and patterns of how users search.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please note, however, that some parts of the services offered by this website may not function properly if you refuse cookies.

Site activity is tracked by Google Web Analytics. You should refer to Google's Privacy Policy to learn how information is collected and used. You can find Google's Privacy Policy here:

We or our partners may also use web beacons, which are electronic images that may be used on our websites or in our emails. We use web beacons to deliver cookies, count visits, understand usage and campaign effectiveness and to tell if an email has been opened and acted upon.

Links to Other Websites

This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for Although the website also contains links to sites operated by third parties, this privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this website. Links to other sites in no way imply endorsement or control of the content of those sites. Our privacy policy does not apply to those linked sites.

 Social Media

We maintain a social media presence, such as a Facebook page, an Instagram page and an X (formerly, “Twitter”) feed. You can interact with us through social media, such as by posting content, sharing material from our Site, and using our social media plug-ins. When you interact with us using social media, we may receive information such as your user ID, your profile picture, photos you post, and similar information, which is often determined by your privacy settings at social media sites. We may use the information for the same types of purposes we describe throughout this Privacy Policy. Your use of social media sites is primarily governed by the site operators’ privacy policies and terms of service, and the information you share with us and with others is largely controlled by the privacy settings you have established at those sites.

5.  Opt-out

We also provide visitors to our website the opportunity to opt-in to receive communications from us. You are free to change your mind and to stop receiving emails from us at any time. You can either click and follow the unsubscribe button that appears in the footer of every email message we send you. You can also unsubscribe by using this form or emailing us at 

6.  Access to Personal Identifiable Information

If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer wish us to possess your information, you may request correction, updating, or deletion of your information by emailing us at  Users also have the option to request their registration information be deleted from the website at any time. To do so, contact us.

7.  Data Security and Retention

We use industry-standard techniques on the Site to help to protect any personal information you have provided to us from loss, misuse or alteration. However, please be aware that no method of electronic storage can ever be 100% secure. Therefore, as is the case with any organization - we are not in a position to guarantee the absolute security of your information.  In this regard, we urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal data while you are on the Internet. At a minimum, we encourage you to make sure that you are using a secure browser as you surf the Internet.  

8. Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, you can use this form to contact us. Or if you wish to contact us by phone or postal mail, our contact information is as follows:

The Wallace Foundation

Address: 140 Broadway, New York, NY, 10005

Telephone: 212-251-9700


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